Thursday, November 21, 2019

4 Questions Thatll Make You More Likable at Work - The Muse

4 Questions Thatll Make You More Likable at Work - The Muse4 Questions Thatll Make You More Likable at WorkSometimes you inadvertently say things that scare your colleagues into thinking somethings much worse than it is.Its elend intentional Its just that youre busy and you dont always have the time to think through how youre coming off. However, just like there are phrases that cause a visceral negative reaction, there are also some thatll instantly make your co-workers smile- and improve your workplace relationships. Not only that, theyre so common that incorporating them into your communication at work will feel like second nature.Seriously, give one of the below options a test run this week- you just might make someones day.1. How Can I Help?Its natural to get caught up in your own work- after all, thats your job. But if you always look too busy to connect with your co-workers, you might seem a little self-involved. An easy fix is to look up from your desk and simply ask what a c o-workers working on- and if theres any way for you to pitch in and help. This simple two-part question reinforces the idea that youre a team player willing to take time out of your schedule to support someone else. Because youre actively demonstrating that youre bedrngnis too busy to be bothered, youll be seen as more friendly, more approachable, and yes, more likable.2. Could You Tell Me More?Maybe you really are too busy to lend a hand, but I bet you have a couple of minutes to actively listen to your co-worker. And sometimes, thats all it takes to make someones afternoon.Do you ever feel like you need to give a one-line summary of your latest project so you dont overwhelm (or bore) someone? Compare that to how it feels when someone makes it clear he has the time- and interest- to hear the fleshed out version of your idea. You come away from the two interactions with two different sentiments. When someone listens to you, you feel that person is extra considerate, and someone you could reach out to in the future. So, next time someone tells you shes trying to come up with a new protocol, and says, but you probably dont want to hear all about that follow up with, If you have the time, Id love to hear more. 3. What Are Your Thoughts on This?As I was speaking with someone the other day, she tossed out an idea shed been brainstorming and asked if I had any thoughts on the subject. Shes a pretty prestigious person, and the fact that she wanted to hear from me instantly made her feel more approachable. Its intuitive- but its often overlooked. When you make it clear you value someones opinion (by something as easy as asking for it), you demonstrate that youd like to hear from that person (and everyone wants to think their colleagues hold a high opinion of them). So, share something youve been considering, and follow up with any variation of Do you have any suggestions? or Id love to hear what you think 4. Would You Like to Grab a Cup of Coffee?Yes, spending a littl e time together outside the office to build your bond is a pretty obvious tactic. However, all too often, people only grab coffee with the colleagues they already have a killer working relationship with. And, by continually excluding the person you dont know very well, youre bedrngnis doing that relationship- or your general likability rating- any favors.So, next time youre headed out to grab something to drink, invite the office newbie on the team or the person who you dont know very well. Even if you get shot down, youll still make the impression that you tried to get to know him better.Everyone has one (or two, or five) colleagues with whom they wish they had a better rapport. Try one of the above lines tomorrow to make that start happening ASAP. Photo of co-workers courtesy of Shutterstock.

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